I have an intermediate goal of making myself some simple dresses and pants. I also want to make my son a Halloween costume. In the end, my goal is to be able to make my son two suits from patterns. I will also be working on the Tasha's Sewing Tuts 2013 Fall Fashion Challenge. As of this moment, I do not have a sewing machine. I will be doing as much by hand as possible as I learn about following and drafting patterns and various sewing techniques. I have recently taken advantage of pattern sales and my choices have indicated my own ambition. (Some of my patterns do NOT say, "Easy." You will see this when I post my Butterick haul next week.)

This post serves as a resource listing if things that I, a beginning sewer, want to learn immediately. This post links to tutorials on sewing techniques and pattern alterations, especially making them bigger.
Here are the patterns that I have chosen as my assessments of progress on goals:
This post serves as a resource listing if things that I, a beginning sewer, want to learn immediately. This post links to tutorials on sewing techniques and pattern alterations, especially making them bigger.
My son's Halloween costume:
Below is a list of skills I need to master in time to make my son a suit for Christmas.
- Buttons http://youtu.be/0rn7chSZYZo
- Button holes http://www.afashionablestitch.com/2011/inspiring_me/how-to-make-hand-worked-buttonholes/
- Fly front zipper http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/3831/video-an-easy-flat-fly-front-zipper
- Pleat http://www.uniquetechniques.com/files/pleated_trousers.pdf
- Cuff http://www.ehow.com/video_4407400_sew-cuffed-hem-pants-machine.html
- Lining http://grainlinestudio.com/2012/01/09/sewing-tutorial-how-to-bag-a-jacket-lining/
- Facing http://seekatesew.com/sewing101-facings/
- Interfacing http://youtu.be/5j_U9_MayvA
- Facing and interfacing http://shwinandshwin.blogspot.com/2011/08/sewing-101-facing.html
- Belt loops http://www.coletterie.com/category/tutorials-tips-tricks
- Hand stitches http://www.sew4home.com/tips-resources/sewing-tips-tricks/hand-sewing-basics
- Seams http://shwinandshwin.blogspot.com/2011/08/sewing-101-seams.html
- Understitch ing by hand http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/19466/hand-understitching/page/all
And for me
- Wearing ease http://thenakedseamstress.blogspot.com/2012/02/m-muller-sohn-review-ease-made-easy.html
- Full Bust Adjustment http://www.coletterie.com/sewalongs/rooibos-full-bust-adjustment
- http://sewaholic.net/pendrell-sew-along-6-princess-seam-fba-full-bust-adjustment/
- http://blog.megannielsen.com/2012/04/how-to-do-a-full-bust-adjustment-fba/
- http://byhandlondon.com/2013/03/15/elisalex-dress-sewalong-2-full-bust-adjustment-for-princess-seams-fba/
- Pattern grading http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/4368/making-sense-of-pattern-grading/page/all
- http://www.burdastyle.com/techniques/grade-a-bodice-pattern-to-a-larger-size
- http://youtu.be/SvZXZsohj5U
- http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/4424/quick-reference-for-cut-and-spread-pattern-grading
- Fitting Issues http://www.sewingpatternsonthenet.com/spn_website_004.htm
- http://www.coletterie.com/tutorials-tips-tricks/2011-the-year-in-tutorials (And other great stuff)
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