I Finally Tried Scratch!

If you read my blog, you may know that I think that
schools should teach kids to code
. I have been of this opinion for quite some time now and several months ago, I decided to Google it. In doing this, I came across a tool called Scratch. Today, for an assignment in my EdS program, I finally got the chance to try
Scratch, a tool developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  It is actually a programming language designed for children to learn to use code to create animations, stories, and games. At first I had a bit of a time figuring it out, but eventually, I got the hang of some of it.  So there are some things called blocks that you clip together like Legos to make your little creature move. I went through the tutorial provided and then tried some on my own.  I am so stoked!  I am totally a teacher geek!  I am so going to learn to code.  Here is my first project.  You probably cannot view it from a mobile device, especially an Apple one.  (Just FYI).  I am so excited!


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