God's Creation Like Whoa!

Today's Scriptures:
Psalm 19: 1-6
Psalms 33
Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King

Man today, you just gotta read it all! This is good stuff!
Today's highlighted passage: Psalms 33: 8-12

ENGLISH--Psalms 33: 8-12, 22
8 Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.
9 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
10 The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.
11 The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
22 Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.

FRENCH--Psaumes 33: 8-12, 22
8 Que toute la terre craigne l'Éternel! Que tous les habitants du monde tremblent devant lui!
9 Car il dit, et la chose arrive; Il ordonne, et elle existe.
10 L'Éternel renverse les desseins des nations, Il anéantit les projets des peuples;
11 Les desseins de l'Éternel subsistent à toujours, Et les projets de son coeur, de génération en génération.
12 Heureuse la nation dont l'Éternel est le Dieu! Heureux le peuple qu'il choisit pour son héritage!
22 Éternel! que ta grâce soit sur nous, Comme nous espérons en toi!

SPANISH--Salmos 33: 8-12, 22
8 Tema toda a terra ao SENHOR; temam-no todos os moradores do mundo.
9 Porque falou, e tudo se fez; mandou, e logo tudo apareceu.
10 O SENHOR desfaz o conselho das nações; quebranta os intentos dos povos.
11 O conselho do SENHOR permanece para sempre; os intentos do seu coração, de geração em geração
12 Bem-aventurada é a nação cujo Deus é o SENHOR, e o povo que ele escolheu para a sua herança.
22 Seja a tua misericórdia, SENHOR, sobre nós, como em ti esperamos.

I mean, whoa! His love is like whoa! His creation like whoa! You'll neva find nothin betta!

Seriously, the evidence of His might, His glory, His power is all around us. We can really sit back and know how great our Lord is. In fact we cannot escape His greatness. It is everywhere we look. Psalms 19 does a good job showing us how we cannot escape the wonders He's created.

Then in Psalms 33, we learn how He is worthy to be praised. We are encouraged to sing songs and make music in His praise. He has created so much for us, and we are encouraged to create a song for Him. Then, once again, we are reminded that He has got our back, even as insignificant as we are compared to Him. We also are reminded that His plans are all that matter. No man's plans can hold a candle to His. This offers us the opportunity to know that if we have faith, we can always go above their heads. Did you read that no kings army stands a chance...

In the last verse of the 33rd Psalm (verse 22) is a particularly appropriate prayer. We need to have faith in Him, and we need His mercy, but He got us.

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