

Thrifting and Bed Bugs! Ugh! Research Based Best Practices on What toDo!

Recently, I went thrifting and upon arriving home, my mom found a bed bug! Ugh! My first response...

Years back, when bed bugs started coming back (when they were in the high end department stores and hotels), I heard a news report about putting brand new clothes in the dryer on high as soon as you get home to kill any bed bugs that may be present.

Well, once I got my composure, I took my haul to the laundromat and dried them on high for 45 minutes, and when I took them out, they were almost too hot to fold. But I was still nervous. So I did a google search, and university after university after university said that using a dryer on high heat (120 degrees Fahrenheit) would kill all stages of bed bug life cycles, but I still wasn't satisfied!

Eventually, I came across a peer reviewed journal that said that a dryer of 40 degrees Centigrade (104 degrees Fahrenheit). will kill bed bugs in all stages. You can read the abstract from the Entomological Society of America here. They also have information on cold soaking, dry cleaning, washing, and freezing. So check them out!

And pray for me!

P.S.  I forgot to mention the two manual searches!  I just don't do bugs, y'all!

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