

We Made Play Dough (DIY Play Doh Recipe)!

So today, I went on the Georgia's Bright From the Start website and looked at the Parent Activity Guide - Two Year Old Standards.. This document lists several fun developmentally appropriate activities for two year olds. Anyways, in this document, I found several activities for which play dough are useful. Additionally, I found a recipe for DIY play dough. I could tell from looking at their ingredients that it was quite a large batch. I chose to make four small batches. I also added some additional instructions and an ingredient. The recipe I used is below.

1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar (Found in the baking aisle, this acts as a preservative, keeping the play dough from drying out.)
Food coloring or Kool-Aid (Optional)
1/2 cup boiling water (Boiling water makes the dry ingredients mix better)
1 1/2 teaspoon cooking oil

Begin boiling water.
Combine dry ingredients: flour, salt, cream of tartar, and Kool-Aid if you chose to color this way. (I used the container in which I intended to keep the play dough--a disposable Tupperware bowl from the grocery store.) Mix the dry ingredients together.
Combine the wet ingredients: oil, water, and food coloring if you chose to color this way. (I put the food coloring in the water because it makes for more even color in the play dough.)

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