Having Your Child Help Out Around the House (Kids and Chores)

I have decided that my son will learn to take good care of himself. We always want our girls to be self-sufficient, but what about our boys? They should be able to function without a woman as well. What's more, they should be able to help their wives out. And as a single mother, I know that I will need his help. Now, while I am not for completely abandoning my child and making him do everything for himself (childhood is fleeting, right?), I do want him to KNOW HOW to do things to take care of himself. I fully intend to teach him as much of these as necessary and possible. Here are some resources that I found on household chores and the appropriate ages to introduce them.

Source: via Daya on Pinterest

Click here for household chores with which children of 18 months to 6 years can assist.

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